Wind farms

The technology of the use of wind energy, which was considered an exotic industry a decade ago, is currently the most innovative and the most invested sector among the renewable energy sources.

In Europe primarily Germany relies on wind industry. 32% of European wind power is generated here. More than 90% of the electrical power produced in Germany from wind power (more than 40 GW) is accounted for by wind machines and wind farms installed on land. And only about 10% is generated by the coastal wind machines located off the coast of the North and Baltic Seas. In Germany about 15% of all electricity produced is generated by wind machines – more than generated from solar energy and biomass combined!

Wind industry makes the largest contribution to the production of electricity from the renewable sources and, providing about 200 000 jobs, is considered the largest employer of the new stage of energy policy, which provides for switching to the alternative energy sources.

While the classical energy suppliers and corporate investors prefer mainly wind farms located in the sea, Purwatt AG relies on wind power projects on land, in other words land-based wind turbines and wind power generators. Investing in different energy sources allows to use different technologies in the same place, which makes the main investments in the power supply infrastructure more cost effective.

We apply our know-how already at the design and development stage of the project, we act as a general contractor, raise funds, we operate the facilities and maximum openness and partnership with municipalities, investors and governmental bodies are important for us during the construction of each wind machine and wind farm.


  • Mogilev Wind Farm 3.5 MW, commissioning – 2019
  • Further projects are at the design stage